泰雅族 Atayal
泰雅族社會盛行織布與紋面文化,族人遵守祖先訓示gaga,以祖靈祭為最重要的祭儀活動。近年,因為原住民意識崛起、文化復振運動興起,與原來在民族分類上劃歸泰雅族的太魯閣族與賽德克族,分別在民國93 年(2004)與民國97 年(2008)成為各自獨立的民族。目前,泰雅族人口約有90,788 人(民國107 年﹝ 2018﹞ 12月)。
The Atayal tribe is distributed in the northern part of Taiwan’s Central Mountain areas, including the area north from Puli to Hualien. At present, the population is approximately 81,000. Slash-and-burn rotating farming and hunting are their traditional way of life. They have developed intricate fabric weaving skills, featuring sophisticated patterns and designs. To Atayal people, red color symbolizes blood, which represents the vitality of life and can keep evil spirit away; therefore red clothes are favored by them. Facial tattoos are the long-standing custom of the Atayal. Ancestral spirit worship is an important organized social activity. The worship rituals constitute the major religious ceremony. Music playing and dancing with Gan mouth string are the distinctive features of Atayal entertainment activities.
排灣族 Paiwan
排灣族文化中以家名、家族的觀念與嚴謹的階級體系,貫穿社會中政治、婚姻、宗教與藝術各層面。排灣族人在小米收成後舉行「小米收穫祭」。另外,布曹爾群每五年辦理「五年祭」,迎請來探視子孫的祖靈,又稱為「人神盟約祭」。現今人口約101,400 人(民國107 年﹝ 2018 ﹞ 12 月)。
排灣族人的宗教信仰,以tsemas 觀念最重要,tsemas 包含各種超自然存在的神與靈,像是自然界的山神、河流神,祖神、祖靈與鬼魂等,並存在於i pidi(神界)、i tjari vavau(上界)、i katsauan(人界)、i tjemakaziang(中界)、i makarizeng(冥界)、i tjarhi teku(下界)等幾個不同領域。
Paiwan tribe is scattered on both sides of the southern Central Mountain Range – from north to Dawu Mountain, south to Hengchun, west to Fangliao, and east to Taimali of Taitung County.They are close to 86,000 in population. The chief of the noble class in each tribe is at the same time the leader in politics, military, and even in religion. Each clan is an independent and autonomous unit. As Paiwan tribe has a large population and the family-blood relationship is spread widely, the alliance between close relatives is common among the noble families. In some areas, a few noble chiefs rule over a big clan combined with the alliance of several communities. Colorful glazed beads, iron utensils, and silver jewelry are highly valued. The hundred-pace snake and the human-head designs on pottery urns, pots, and roof beams symbolize the superior status of the noble family.
布農族 Bunun
布農族部落分布在海拔500 至1,500 公尺中央山脈兩側,是原住民族中分布海拔最高的民族,家庭以父系大家庭為基礎,因歷史遷移而慢慢拓展,分布範圍相當遼闊。布農族有精靈(hanitu)的觀念,相信個人能力、疾病與災禍,都跟精靈hanitu 有關係;祭典以射耳祭(malahodaigian)最具代表性,農業祭儀中的「祈禱小米豐收歌」(pasibutbut)音樂造詣享譽國際。
布農族目前人口約58,823 人(民國107 年﹝ 2018 ﹞ 12 月),主要原鄉有南投縣仁愛鄉、信義鄉,花蓮縣卓溪鄉、萬榮鄉,臺東縣延平鄉、海端鄉,高雄市桃源區、那瑪夏區等地,近年也有移居都會區的情形。
布農族(Bunun)現居在中央山脈及其東西側,以bunun 一詞來稱呼自己,日本殖民統治時期後成為族名沿用至今。布農族的起源有糞生、石生、葫蘆生等多種不同的神話傳說,流傳較為廣泛的有葫蘆生與糞生故事。前者傳說在遠古時代,有一天從天上掉下了一顆葫蘆,裂開之後,從葫蘆裡走出了一對男女,這一對男女的後裔就是現今的布農族人。後者傳說遠古時代有兩個洞穴,Naihai 蟲將糞便做成球的形狀,然後投入兩個洞裡,其中一個洞出現一位男人,另一個洞出現一位女人,兩人成長後結為夫妻,生下子女後繁衍成為各社群祖先。
The Bunun tribe are scattered widely around Namasia Township of Kaohsiung County, Haiduang Township of Taitung County as well as in Nantou County. The Bunun tribe can be found in the areas of the Central Mountains with average altitude of 1,000 to 2,000 meters. They have a total population of about 50,000. The society is maintained mainly by patriarchal social structure. Family members may include non-family blood relation individuals. This is also the reason why Bunun traditional family residence is pretty large in size. Ceremonies are scheduled according to millet planting, weeding, and harvest. “Pasibutbut ”, which means “Praying for a Millet Harvest” is the most famous song, the wonderful eight-part harmony sung by the Bunun people during the weeding time. “Malahtangia” is considered the most important of the life ceremonial rituals for Bunun male’s passage into manhood.
卑南族 Beinan
卑南族位於多族群交會的平原地帶,很早與外界文化接觸,卻依然持續維繫傳統文化與生活。卑南族社會有嚴謹的年齡階級組織與會所制度;巫法之術(靈術)高強興盛,名聲遠播於各民族之間。卑南族現今尚存之年度慶典有「小米鋤草完工慶」、「小米收穫祭」(感恩海祭)、「少年年祭」(猴祭)、「年祭」(大獵祭)等,其中以「年祭」的規模最大。現今人口約有14,321人(民國107年﹝ 2018﹞ 312月)。
卑南族的起源有「竹生」、「石生」兩種說法,「竹生」傳說以卑南社為中心,「石生」傳說以知本社為中心;各部落也是由卑南、知本兩社為核心,經遷徙居住後發展出其他各個部落。卑南族十七世紀以前就是強盛的民族,民族威望在卑南王時代達到顛峰;傳說卑南王雄盛之際,曾領導東部各族群72 個部落,影響力北到今花蓮玉里、南到屏東恆春,是各部落尊敬的領袖人物。
The Pinuyumayan Tribe inhabits the area in the south of Taitung Longitudinal Valley. At the peak of their military conquest, the Pinuyumayan tribe ruled over 72 aboriginal communities in the eastern part of Taiwan. At present, their population is about 11,000. The entire Pinuyumayan tribe may be divided into eight sub-tribes called “Pa-Sher-Fan”. These groups each have different mythology about their origins. The Beinan group said they were born from bamboo, and the Jiben group said they were born from stone. The traditional social organization is maintained by two systems: one is the family system with inheritance by the eldest daughter, and the other is organized by the different ages of males. Trakuban” is the political center and education place for the males. Before getting married, the men accept warrior training with the task of defending the community. The ranking is divided according to the age groups.
魯凱族 Rukai
魯凱族社會的特色為任務分工縝密的階級制度,融入婚姻、政治、宗教、祭祀與藝術各領域。以百合花為「魯凱族族花」,文化核心價值以百合花的配飾權最富特色,具有表彰聖潔、膽識、勇氣與尊榮的意義,經濟生活以小米種植為主體,小米收穫祭為最重要的祭典。魯凱族人口約13,383 人(民國107年﹝ 2018 ﹞ 12 月)。
魯凱(Ngudradrekai,簡稱Rukai)一詞的來源有三種不同的說法,目前仍無定論。一種說法認為Rukai 是魯凱族人的自稱,係指「住在高冷山上的人」之意;一種說法是Rukai 轉化自排灣族語詞中,有東方、上游、深山等意,意指的是魯凱族居住地;第三種是從卑南族語詞的Rukai 而來,指稱緊鄰山腳的聚落。魯凱族關於人類創生的神話有三種,一種是東魯凱群所傳承的外來說,相傳祖先是由海外登陸東海岸後,落腳在中央山脈東、西兩側;另一種流傳在西魯凱群中,認為先祖是由太陽、陶壺或石頭創生;還有高雄茂林下三社的口述歷史,認為祖先是發源在茂林區大、小鬼湖地區。魯凱族部落分布於中央山脈南段兩側,分屬高雄縣、屏東縣與臺東縣三個行政區。
The Rukai tribe’s population is about 11,600. They live around Maulin Township of Kaohsiung County, Wutai Township of Pingtung County and Donghsing Township of Taitung County. The traditional social structure is divided into two hierarchy systems – the nobles and the commoners. The nobles have privileges conferred by the blood-line superiority as found in the Rukai mythology. They also have the ownership of lands, and other economic privileges. Common people can elevate their social status by the way of developing individual leadership, increasing harvest production, and also through marriage. Family property inheritance is by the eldest son.
鄒族 Tsou
鄒族居住在臺灣中部中高海拔的阿里山山區,祭典有豐收謝神的小米收穫祭典(homeyaya)與彰顯彪炳戰功的凱旋祭(mayasvi)。目前人口約有6,663人(民國107年﹝ 2018 ﹞ 12月)。
鄒族(Tsou)居住於臺灣中部的玉山西南方,以嘉義縣阿里山鄉為中心,部分在南投縣信義鄉久美村,往南則因遷徙而到達高雄市那瑪夏區。鄒族的名稱是以自稱Tsou 為族名,語詞的意思是人。在鄒族的傳說中,大神哈默用楓葉創造鄒族人跟瑪雅人,再用茄苳的葉子創造平地人,並從玉山逐漸遷徙到現居地。
The Tsou tribe mostly lives in Alishan Township of Chiayi County, Sinyi Township in Nantou County and Tauyuan and Namasia Townships of Kaohsiung County. They have a total population about 6,500. Strict patriarchal structure and the well-organized small and large clans are the Tsou tribe’s social and political organization. Tribal affairs are conducted by men in the “Kuba”, a house where young people must live in for their training before getting married. Women must keep away from the “Kuba”. “Mayasvi”, the War ritual and ancestor spirit worship are the major religious ceremonies. The processes of maintaining “Kuba”, trimming of holy tree, welcoming the ancestral spirits, entertaining and seeing off the spirits are elaborate with singing, rhythm music, and dancing.
賽夏族 Saisiyat
賽夏族人(Saisiyat)在自稱時,使用saisiyat 來稱呼自己,後取其近音而寫為賽夏族。賽夏族的創生傳說中,認為先人在洪水時期時,倖存的兄妹成婚生下小孩,而後將小孩肉、骨、胃、腸分解後投入海中,各別成為各部落與民族的祖先。
Mostly live in WufongVillage, Hsinchu County, Nanjuang and Shrtan Villages of Miaoli County. The population is estimated at 5300. Their social organization is maintained predominately by patriarchal structure. Traditionally, each clan has its totems or symbols. In Chin Dynasty they changed their original totems into Chinese surnames, such as “Feng for Wind”, “Ri for Sun” and” Xia for Summer” etc. The most important traditional activity is “Pas-taai”. Neighboring closely with Atayal, Saisiyat is greatly influenced by it in culture.
雅美族(達悟族) Yami (Dawu)
雅美(達悟)族分布於臺東縣的蘭嶼島上,有豐富的神話傳說與歲時祭儀,並具有明顯的海洋特質。雅美族目前的總人口數為4,624 人(民國107 年﹝ 2018 ﹞ 12 月)。
蘭嶼居民的遠祖來源有石生與竹生兩種傳說,其中紅頭部落的說法是,南方的神創造了小蘭嶼跟蘭嶼後再回到蘭嶼島時,在山上觸動了巨大的岩石。巨石落入海中後轟然分裂成兩半,男神Nemotacolulito 從裂石中走出,並往山中走去搖撼巨竹,竹中又爆出另一位男神Nemotacoluga wuly。有一天,裂石中走出的男神從左、右腳的膝蓋生出一男一女,由竹子中走出的男神也同樣從膝蓋生出了一男一女,兩神的子女結為夫婦,開始發展出雅美(達悟)人的社會與文化。
The Yami tribe is located in the offshore Orchid Island of Taitung. It is the only tribe of oceanic culture in Taiwan. They have a population of about 3,500, spread over six villages on the island. Due to their isolated living environment, their culture is still kept relatively intact. Yami tribe has no leadership system. When disputes occur, the clan families and relatives are called upon to negotiate a settlement. The social affairs are administered by the male heads of the household, and by the community’s fishing groups. The creations of art and culture are abundant, such as the wood carving boats, silvery utensils, pottery, and mud dolls. Traditional houses are built underground to keep warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Tribal ceremonies are held according to the activities relating to capturing the flying fish. The flying fish is regarded as sacred. Hair dancing by Yami women is a special tribal performance, unique among Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. Men’s warrior dance is used to display the strength and beauty of the body.
邵族 Thao
邵族主要居住在南投縣魚池鄉伊達邵部落和水里鄉大坪林聚落,邵族目前人口約794 人(民國107 年﹝ 2018 ﹞ 12 月)其中伊達邵部落至今仍然嚴謹地遵循傳統祖靈信仰,傳統祖靈信仰以ulalaluan(祖靈籃)為供奉對象,具體象徵祖靈之存在,並且供奉於各家戶內。邵族的傳統祭祀體系主要分為農曆3 月的播種祭、農曆7 月的狩獵祭及農曆8 月的祖靈祭等重要祭儀。農耕祭儀反應出早期農業生活的節令和族人之生活型態;狩獵祭時,族人會以白鰻造型的麻糬做為祭品,體現出重視狩獵、漁獵的生活文化;一年之中又以農曆8 月份的祖靈祭最為熱鬧莊嚴。
The Thao tribe lives in Yuchih Township and Shueili Township in Nantou County with a total of about 648 people. The tribe’s legend said that their ancestors found Sun Moon Lake while they were chasing a white deer. Therefore, they moved there and settled down. The Thao tribe has a patriarchal society. They were deeply influenced by the Han culture, yet they still kept their cultural elements alive. “Ulalaluan”, the basket containing the ancestor spirit is hung in the corner wall of each household. This is not seen in other indigenous tribes of Taiwan. The tribal chief is the main decision maker regarding ceremony rituals of the community and also presides over social affairs. The position is usually inherited by the eldest son. The most representative is the Thao wooden pestle rhythm music and singing.
噶瑪蘭族 Kavalan (Kbalan)
世居宜蘭千百年的噶瑪蘭族擁有蘭陽平原土地的主權,自由自在的群居靠近河流與海邊的土地上,噶瑪蘭族人濱海而居,早期住屋為高架的干欄建築,具有古東南亞文化的特徵。噶瑪蘭族人透過航海進行交換貿易,十九世紀末期受「加禮宛戰役」影響,族人隱匿於阿美部落超過一世紀。目前人口約1,481人(民國107年﹝ 2018 ﹞ 312月)。噶瑪蘭族族人近年發起民族正名運動,於中華民國91 年(2002)公告認定為臺灣原住民族之一,稱為噶瑪蘭族。工藝方面,噶瑪蘭族目前仍保有編織香蕉絲的技術,非常具有特色。
噶瑪蘭族(Kavalan)自稱為kavalan,意思是平原的人類,自認有別於居住山林地區的泰雅族。傳說噶瑪蘭族人最早由南方島嶼,途經地名為Sanasai的地方後遷入臺灣,落腳於蘭陽平原,十九世紀初開始遷居到花蓮臺東海岸。噶瑪蘭族原來在蘭陽平原共有30 多個部落,十八世紀末漢人開始進入蘭陽平原;十九世紀清朝設立行政區「噶瑪蘭廳」,並以「加留餘埔」制度保障部落土地。不過,社會與生態環境的改變,仍讓不少噶瑪蘭族人從蘭陽平原,乘船南渡到達花蓮平原落腳,形成以加禮宛社為核心的大、小六個部落。
In the past, the Kavalan tribe lived in Yilan. Nowadays they are in Hualien and Taitung with a total of over 1,100 people. Kavalan believe that each creature has its own spirit, therefore the tribe develops its own special ritual offering ceremony and the healing ceremony. During the healing ceremony, the female shaman presents wine to worship gods, and then she prays to the ancestors’ spirits to ask for healing the illness. During the ritual healing ceremony, the female shaman would sing special healing song.
太魯閣族 Taroko (Truku)
太魯閣族人重視織布與紋面文化,信仰祖靈並遵守祖先訓示gaya,祖靈祭為重要祭儀。目前部落以花蓮縣的秀林、萬榮、卓溪三鄉鎮為主要居住地,以及吉安鄉慶豐、南華、福興三村,人口約31,782 人(民國107 年﹝ 2018 ﹞12月),並於中華民國93 年(2004)公告認定為臺灣原住民族之一,稱為太魯閣族。
傳說太魯閣族(Truku)的祖先在史前時代由南洋一帶乘坐rowcing(漂流木,即船隻之意),在臺灣西南沿海一帶登陸,登陸後散居於臺中至臺南一帶的平原上,後因與平原上之平埔族不合且寡不敵眾,被驅逐追殺,因而被迫向臺灣中部高山地區遷移,先遷至埔里西方名為Ayran(愛蘭)的地方,然後漸次向東的山區遷移,經過好幾個世紀共遷居十七個地方,最後遷移到現在的南投縣仁愛鄉合作村,族人稱此地為德鹿灣(Truku Truwan)。德鹿灣這個地方是由Ayug Lqsan、Ayug Busi、Ayug Brayaw 三個溪谷所構成的臺地,在此逐漸發展產生「集體的歷史記憶」與「共同的生活經驗」。
The Truku tribe has about 24,000 people. Three to four hundred years ago, the Truku ancestors set off from Nantou County, conquered the natural obstacles and climbed over Mount Chilai in the Central Mountain Range to migrate along the Liwu River Valley to the east. For hundreds of years, Truku people have developed their own special culture. They fought against Japanese Army for a long time, and worked very hard to build up their communities for the future generation. Truku people are good at hunting, weaving, and knitting. They still keep their traditional techniques of knife-making and shaman sorcery up to now. Ceremony for worship of ancestor spirit is held every year.
31,782 人
撒奇萊雅族 Sakizaya
撒奇萊雅族的民族歷史與文化當中,以清光緒4 年(1878)年達固部灣事件(加禮宛事件)的影響最大,在民族服裝色彩與火神祭典當中,除了有弔念祖先與歷史事件的意義外,也再次凝聚族人的民族認同。現今人口約有956 人(民國107 年﹝ 2018 ﹞ 12 月)。
撒奇萊雅族(Sakizaya)的傳說中,祖先由海外遷入東部後落腳花蓮平原,在十七世紀荷蘭、西班牙的紀錄中,就曾經出現過。十九世紀末期,清朝開始積極經營東部與山區,進駐花蓮平原後,因為官兵態度蠻橫、處事不公,侵擾各原住民族的生活,導致撒奇萊雅與噶瑪蘭族聯合抵禦,在清光緒4 年(1878)發生了稱為「達固部灣事件」(加禮宛事件)的抗清戰爭。
二十世紀部落邁入日本殖民統治時期,人類學者將撒奇萊雅族的社會文化特質,視為阿美族文化的一部分。二十世紀末期,撒奇萊雅人由歷史脈絡中理出文化特質,除了表現在民族服裝與火神祭典當中,並推動民族自覺的文化運動。民國96 年(2007)成為官方公告承認的原住民族。
The Sakizaya tribe live at Chilai plain of Hualien. The population of Sakizaya is about 335. Fishing and hunting are traditional way of life. The social organization is based mainly on the matrilineal system. When marrying into the wife’s family, the male must move into the wife’s household residence. “Miamaivaki” is a ritual that the elders give regards to the young people for becoming adults.
956 人
賽德克族 Sidek
賽德克族分布在臺灣中部山區,盛行織布與紋面文化,以祖訓gaya 為生活準則,並重視祖靈的祭祀儀式。目前人口約10,162 人(民國107 年﹝ 2018 ﹞12 月)。
賽德克族於十八、十九世紀,在中央山脈兩側的南投、花蓮兩地拓展出勢力範圍,在二十世紀初受到日本殖民統治的影響,賽德克族部落領域被認定為國有,加上受到日本警察的歧視,使德克達雅群系的馬赫坡社頭目莫那魯道率領族人,於昭和5 年(1930)在南投霧社發動震驚國際的抗日事件,歷史上稱為「霧社事件」。民國90 年代(2000 年代),賽德克族人基於對德克達雅、都達、德魯固三群共同歷史的認同,以「Sediq Balay、Sejiq Balay、Seediq Bale 賽德克族」為名發起向政府請願的正名運動,並於中華民國97 年(2008)公告認定為臺灣原住民族之一,稱為賽德克族。
賽德克族(Seediq/Sediq/Sejiq)發源於中央山脈(Pusu Qhuni/RmdaxTasil),是世代口耳相傳的起源地,今被稱之為牡丹岩。賽德克族的祖先從起源地歷經遷徙後,到達德鹿灣(Truwan;都達群稱之為Plngebung,南投縣仁愛鄉合作村內)定居、繁衍。
賽德克族人在德鹿灣(Truku Truwan)生活一段時間後,因為人口增長與土地不敷使用,約在十八世紀漸次遷出德鹿灣,並且因為遷居地區而有不同的稱呼,遷至德鹿灣對面較低地區(今春楊對面山區)之霧社,稱為德克達雅(Tgdaya);越過奇萊山到達德布閣(Tpwqo)、古白楊(Kbayan)、布洛灣(Browan)等地的族人,稱之為德魯固(Truku,或寫為太魯閣(Truku))群;另部分族人則越過合歡山北峰,到達上梅園竹村等地,這些族人則被稱之為都達(Toda)群。
The population of Sediq is about 10,000. They share unique customs and traditional rituals. The viewpoint of adoring Utux has extended to conscientious living rules called gaya/waya and has developed different culture, for example: tattoo, hunting, weaving, music, language, songs and dance. Sisin is seen as a sacred bird. When Sediq people go hunting or making marriage proposal, they make decisions according to the sound that Sisin bird makes.
拉阿魯哇族 Hla’alua
拉阿魯哇族(Hla’alua)相當注重農耕祭儀,聖貝祭(miatungusu)就是農耕祭儀中,祭祀貝神而衍生出的祭典,貝神也是拉阿魯哇族主要的圖騰象徵。目前約計有407 人(民國107 年﹝ 2018 ﹞ 12 月)。
拉阿魯哇族據《臺灣方誌》之記載,稱為內憂社或內悠社、美隴社等,在清末漢人合稱之為「頂四社」,日本人沿用其名稱為「上四社」。乃又稱為四社群或上四社群,主要分布由以下四社所組成:排剪社、 美壠社、塔蠟社、雁爾社。
The Hla’alua People number approximately 400 and are mostly distributed in the villages of Gaojhong (高中里) and Taoyuan (桃源里) in Taoyuan District, Kaohsiung City, as well as the village of Maya in Namasia District, Kaohsiung City. There were four (4) main sub-tribal systems or “she” (社) in the Hla’alua Tribe, namely, paiciana she (排剪社), vilanganu she (美壠社), talicia she (塔蠟社), and hlihlara she (雁爾社). All these local community members self-identify themselves as the Hla’alua, whereas the origin of the name “Hla’alua” is still unknown.
According to one version of a Hla’alua legend, the original dwelling place of Hla’alua People used to be in the eastern “hlasunga” where they cohabited with people of small stature. Since time immemorial, these hobbits-like people has regarded “takiaru ” — (「聖貝」)“Sacred Shell” (referring to those holy spirits and sacred presence of the ancestors hiding themselves inside the shell) — as the abode of their “Taizu” (太祖) or “The Ultimate, Original Ancestor” (「貝神」) “Shell God; Shell Deity” — in a collective sense, referring to those holy souls and sacred presence of the ancestors hiding themselves inside the shell. For this reason, in olden time, the Hla’alua People religiously performed large-scale annual ceremonies in honor of the “Shell God” to ask for blessings upon their dwelling abodes, while praying for abundant harvests of field crops and fresh organic produce as well as accelerated multiplying of their tribal people.
Upon leaving their habitual ancestral dwelling and parting with those hobbits-like people, as a farewell gift, the “Hobbits” presented the Hla’alua with a “takiaru Urn” (「甕聖貝」) — referring to those holy souls and sacred presence of the ancestors hiding themselves inside the Urn — whence comes the“miatungusu” or “takiaru Ceremony” (「聖貝祭」). The highest point of such a “Sacred Shell” Rite is reached when the “takiaru ” (「聖貝」) is completely soaked in wine for all participants to carefully observe the tone and color of the “takiaru “: A “Sacred Shell” turning crimson red denotes a heavily and happily drunk “Taizu” (太祖), which signifies complete success of the “miatungusu” thus performed.
卡那卡那富族 Kanakanavu
卡那卡那富族、拉阿魯哇族與嘉義縣的阿里山鄉、南投縣信義鄉久美社區的鄒族人,有很長的一段時間被統稱為「鄒族」,之後因語言差異甚大,完全無法以族語溝通,且三個族群各自有自己的歷史想像、起源傳說、祭典儀式及傳統的社會結構,經卡、拉兩族的申請「正名」,政府於103 年6 月26 日以正式的儀式宣布,認定各為獨立的族群。拉阿魯哇族為第15 族,卡那卡那富族為第16 族,目前登記為卡族之人口數約有342 人(民國107 年﹝2018﹞12 月)。
關於卡族人的發祥根源,有一則傳說紀錄:「有一名為Niun 的母親,與其子Parumaci 相依為命,日子過得艱苦又孤單,其母因而常在兒子面前長吁短嘆,哀嘆人世間的滄桑! Parumaci 安慰母親未來必讓其有安樂的生活。話未說完就突然站起,一腳踢向長滿紅葉的karu sʉrʉ(枷檀樹)樹幹,樹葉盡落,紛紛相疊,瞬間疊成了一棟棟的房子。再度一踢,落葉悉數成了人,其數不知幾百。Parumaci 成了他們的首領,自此形成了一個聚落的社」。此一紀錄是唯一與卡族發祥有關的傳說。
As of May 2014, the Kanakanavu People number approximately 520 and are mostly concentrated in Namasia District (那瑪夏區) of Kaohsiung City (高雄市) along both banks of Nanzixian River (楠梓仙溪). Today, most Kanakanavu People live in the two villages of Manga and Takanua in Namasia District (formerlySanmin Township), Kaohsiung City.
According to one version of a Kanakanavu legend, a few hundred years ago, a young man by the name of Namasia(「那瑪夏」)happened to see a giant swamp eel lock the flows of river and thus endanger his tribe and his people. He therefore hurried back to the tribe to inform his people. Due to this incident, Namasia suffered from panic attacks to such a degree that he died a few days after the incident; whereas, at the same time, the giant swamp eel was killed as a result of the joint effort of his people and boars. Soon afterwards, today’s Nanzixian River (楠梓仙溪) was then named in honor of the young man as “Namasia” (「那瑪夏」).
The Kanakanavu society is patrilineal. During important festivals, the Kanakanavu People perform “Kanaira” or “Appreciation for Harvest Ceremony” (「米貢祭」) to express gratitude for having millet as their daily food. In the same vein, they also hold the “River Ceremony” (「河祭」) to express gratitude for having enjoyed the resources of the Nanzixian River (楠梓仙溪).