
為了超越原本「WTFNA主要工作」的期待為首要目標,WTFNA 於2019 年初開始醞釀、蓄勢待發,建構官方網站以向世界推動、宣揚本協會的工作項目為核心理念,WTFNA主要工作包含:成為原住民和平使者、落實社會慈善與關懷、維護生命與人道救助、促進原住民文化交流、啟發潛能與技能教育。

為迎合網路時代,WTFNA網站導入響應式設計(Responsive Web Design, RWD),讓使用者可以運用各式行動載具,即時瀏覽協會資訊,符合使用者習慣搜尋之操作模式外,並透過「關於WTFNA」、「協會動態」等選單,清楚呈現所有資訊服務結構、指引到正確資源與對應資料,方便使用者快速獲取資訊。

歡迎點選「聯絡我們 Contact Us」,將您寶貴的意見回饋填入表單內,讓本協會的官網,臻至完善,謝謝。


We planned early of 2019 to launch a formal website and today we are proud to announce our official website launch.  We have upgraded from our original format of just one page, to now having separate pages and clickable links.  We hope you enjoy the new design and special thanks to everyone who was a part of this process.

Our website is now also compatible with multiple screen sizes, allowing easy access for mobile or tablet users.

Feel free to click on this link to “Contact Us” and share with us your feedback.  We are always looking for ways to continuously  improve. Thank you so much.